the collection of conceptual art, writings and bio of the artist
Haleh Niazmand's Studio:
Selected Presentations & Interviews
Civic Engagement Project commentator, The Yes Men, MJC
Guest speaker on diversity, Student club, MJC
Civic Engagement Project commentator, The Dreams of Sparrows, MJC
Visiting Artist Presentation, Santa Fe Community College, NM2004 Panel Discussion “ The Art of Shirin Neshat” Understanding Islam Series, Mt. Mercy College, Cedar Rapids, IA
Interview “Returning the Gaze,” Against the Grain, Pacifica Radio, Berkeley, CA
Visiting Artist Presentation, Teacherʼs College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Interview “ Survey of Common Sense,” Iowa Public Radio, Iowa City, IAConference Presentation, Special Session “Issues of Contemporary Politics in the Art of an Iranian Exile”, Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
Conference Presentation, “Crisis and Dilemma,” Center for Iranian Research and Analysis Annual Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Artist On Art, Des Moines Art Center,
Visiting Artist Presentation, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa